Show off your personal style

The University of Iowa is a great showcase for creativity of all forms. We want to see your style and how you make Iowa your home! Enter the Amazing Room contest for your chance to win fun prizes for having the best room on campus. You could win the grand prize of a $100 in Hawk Dollars and a $100 Iowa City Downtown District gift card for each resident of your room! 

Deadline extended! Entries are open until Friday, September 20.

Note: Resident Assistants are not eligible to participate in the contest. However, the floor with the most submissions will receive funds to plan a floor event!

How to enter the Amazing Room Contest

Complete the entry form and submit 3-6 pictures of your room. If you have trouble with the entry form, you can also email with the following:

  • Subject of the email must be "Amazing Room Contest."
  • Three to six pictures of your (clean!) room, one including a shot of you and your roommate or roomates.
  • Your name(s).
  • The name of your residence hall.
  • Short paragraph explaining what inspired the decoration of your room.

Contest prizes

  • All submissions will receive a coupon for each resident for a complimentary smoothie at Power Cafe.
  • Grand prize winner: $100 Downtown Iowa City gift card and $100 Hawk Dollars for each resident of the room; plus a professional lifestyle photoshoot.
  • Category winners (best single, best double, best triple, best suite-style): $50 Hawk Dollars and a $50 Downtown Iowa City gift card for each resident; a professional lifestyle photoshoot.
  • Finalists (top room from each hall): $50 Hawk Dollars and a professional lifestyle photoshoot
  • Floor participation:  The residence hall floor with the most residents submitting an entry will receive funds to plan a special floor event.

Note: prizes may impact your financial aid. Be sure to check with the Office of Student Financial Aid if you have any questions. 

Key dates

August 19

Entries will be accepted starting on this date.

September 20

Deadline extended! Entries are accepted until 11:59 p.m. (CST).

September 23

The top entries in each hall and room-type category will be contacted and have photoshoots arranged. Photoshoots will occur between September 30 and October 11. 


Winners will be notified the first week of November.

Enter the 2024 Amazing Room Contest

University Housing and Dining's Amazing Room Contest is open to all residents who live on campus. Think your room has what it takes to be the most amazing room? Prove it!

The submission deadline is September 20, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. (CST). 

The grand prize winning room will be selected and announced in November 2024.

Good luck!

Amazing Room Contest rules

  • Late entries will be disqualified.
  • One room from each of the residence halls will be selected as finalists by University Housing and Dining based on cleanliness, creativity, best use of space and individuality.
  • If living in a double, triple, quad occupancy room or apartment, all roommates must agree to enter the contest.
  • Entries that display a violation of the University Housing and Dining residence hall policy and terms and conditions will be disqualified. Don't put any posters on your ceiling.
  • By entering the contest, participants agree to the use of their photographs and name to be used by University Housing and Dining in electronic and print publications.
  • Entries are restricted to University of Iowa students currently living in the University residence halls, with a contract in good standing.
  • Finalists will be contacted by University Housing and Dining about doing a brief professional photo shoot in their room for judging and promotional purposes.
  • The grand prize-winning room will be selected based on creativity, cleanliness, best use of space and individuality.
  • Social media presence or "likes" will not be factored into the selection of the grand prize winning room.
  • Grand prize winners will need to complete paperwork to receive their prize and may need to report the prize on their tax forms.
  • For students that win a gift card, this gift amount will be reported to financial aid and could potentially impact a student's financial aid package.