Behavioral standards and residence hall policies
F.1 In the presence of alcohol
Being present where consumption, possession, distribution, or sale of alcoholic beverages in a residence hall is taking place.
F.2 Empty alcohol containers
Being in possession of empty alcohol containers is prohibited in the residence halls.
F.3 In the presence of drugs
Being present where consumption, possession, distribution, or sale of drugs, or other controlled substances or drug paraphernalia in a residence hall space is taking place.
F.4 Quiet hours and courtesy hours
Residence hall quiet hours are:
- Sunday – Thursday 11 p.m. – 7 a.m.
- Friday – Saturday 1 a.m. – 9 a.m.
At the end of the semester, there will be postings to share the extended quiet hours and 24-hour quiet hours policies. When quiet hours are in effect no noise should be heard from another room or area. Courtesy hours are always in effect, which means residents must comply with the requests of others to lessen or eliminate noise.
F.5 Guest policy
Only students who have signed residence hall contracts are permitted to live in residence halls. A guest is defined as a person who does not hold a contract for the individual room or building where the policy violation takes place.
- Residents are responsible for the behavior of their guests and should always escort their guests in residence hall spaces. Guests who violate residence hall policies will be asked to leave the residence hall and their host will be held responsible for the policy violation. If the guest is a student at the University of Iowa, they will also go through the Student Accountability process.
- No guest may stay for more than three nights within a 14-day period.
F.6 Windows and screens
Screens are not to be unhooked or removed from windows for any reason. Residents of a room or building are responsible for any objects ejected from windows, fire escapes or roofs. Windows are not to be used for entrances or exits. Windows should remain closed during periods of high winds and/or heavy rains, times of cold temperatures, and any time instructions are sent to students by University Housing and Dining staff.
F.7 Keys and prox cards
Residence Hall keys and building access cards (student ID or temporary prox card issued by front desk) must remain in the possession of the resident of the room/building at all times. Residents should not loan their key, student ID, prox card to anyone else.
All residence hall keys and prox cards must be returned when residents vacate their room. Residents will be responsible for the cost of replacing lost keys and prox cards, including if the temporary prox card is not returned by the deadline given at the time when it was issued to the resident. If the misplaced key or card is found after a replacement has been issued the charge will not be refunded.
F.8 Pets
Pets are not permitted in the residence halls except for fish in tanks no larger than 5 gallons. Pets are prohibited from entering the buildings even on a “visiting” or “temporary” basis, including during residence hall move-in and move-out. Pets found in the residence halls will be subject to immediate removal and transfer to Iowa City Animal Control authorities if unable to move to an off-campus location within twenty-four hours. A resident who has been granted a medical accommodation for an emotional support animal (ESA) cannot bring the animal to another residence hall room.
Residents bringing a service animal, or who may need an emotional support animal due to a medical accommodation, should contact Contracts and Assignments for additional information. This accommodation must be granted prior to bringing the animal into the hall.
F.9 Electrical appliances
All appliances must be in good working order. Extension cords must be UL-approved (certified by Underwriters Laboratories). Rooms are not wired to permit the use of any large electrical appliances including air conditioners or space heaters. In rooms where a window air conditioner unit is provided, residents may not use an extension cord to power the air conditioner or plug it into a different outlet than the one that is directly next to it.
F.10 Cooking appliances
Appliances that have an exposed heating element, use cooking greases or have an open flame are prohibited. Only residents that have a contract for a residence hall room with a kitchen may use toaster ovens in the kitchen area. Refer to What to Bring for a list of prohibited items.
F.11 Refrigerators
Only one refrigerator (personal or department-issued) is allowed per single or double room/suite. Residents living in a room with a kitchen or a kitchenette where a refrigerator is provided, are prohibited from having additional refrigerator(s). Residents living with more than one other roommate (i.e. triple or quad) may have up to two mini refrigerators. Refrigerators brought by residents must be UL-approved and may not exceed five cubic feet. Residents in need of an additional refrigerator due to a medical accommodation should refer to the Accommodations page for more information.
F.12 Elevators
The following actions are prohibited on elevators: damage or vandalism (including purposeful disruption, i.e. jumping), use of emergency alarms/stops in situations other than an emergency, unauthorized use of an elevator key, or giving elevator to someone else who would not otherwise have access.
F.13 Room and door decorations
Decorations may not obstruct doorways, corridors, stairways or any other means of exit. Decorations are prohibited from being attached or suspended from lighting fixtures, ceiling tile framework, pipes, or firefighting equipment including sprinkler piping or sprinkler heads. Decorations or furnishings permanently attached (i.e. drilled, screwed, or nailed) to the ceiling, walls, floor, door, or provided furniture are prohibited.
- Decorative Lights: Lights on metal trees or artificial decorations that are made of combustible materials are prohibited. Rooms must not be left unattended with holiday or decorative lights on.
- Flammable and combustible materials (i.e. paper, posters, wrapping paper, ribbon, tinsel, post-it notes, etc.) on student room doors must be kept to a minimum (no more that 25% of the door may be covered). Resident may not write, drill or permanently damage room doors.
F.14 Hall sports
Athletic events including using rollerblades, roller skates, or skateboards, and throwing or bouncing balls or athletic equipment are prohibited in the residence halls. Hall sports can also include activities such as running/racing, jousting, gymnastics, “rough housing”, etc.
F.15 Improper room change and use of unoccupied space
Residents with unoccupied space in their room must keep one half of the room ready for a new roommate to move in at any time. Students wishing to change/transfer rooms must be approved by University Housing and Dining staff. Failure to complete all necessary paperwork before moving is prohibited.
F.16 Room and building furnishings
All furniture issued to a student room must stay in that room (i.e. chair, dresser, bulletin board, mattress, bed, trash can, recycling container, etc.). Equipment and furnishings in lounges, study areas, or any other general-purpose space of the residence halls may not be removed or transferred to individual student rooms.
- Changing a bed configuration (including de-lofting) must be facilitated by appropriate University Housing and Dining staff by submitting a work order at the front desk for adjustment.
- Water beds, hot tubs, and pools are prohibited.
F.17 Commercial activity/business
Residents are not permitted to utilize their room for any commercial purpose and for licensed and unlicensed businesses. Solicitation and posting of flyers without approval is not allowed in the residence halls.
F.18 Trash
Residents are responsible for disposing of their own trash and recycling in the designated areas within and around the residence halls, this includes not leaving trash in or next to smaller trash bins around the residence halls. Residents must also remove trash from rooms prior to leaving for university breaks. Residents that have opted into the composting program must follow all requirements and bring materials to the designated areas.
F.19 Disruptive event
Individual or group activities within any area of the residence hall that cause a disturbance, obstruct or disrupt disciplinary procedures, University Housing procedures or events, or the residence hall community.
F.20 Possession of candles and incense
Candles and incense (lit or unlit) are prohibited in the residence halls.
Residents who have questions about these policies can contact a Residential Education staff member for clarification and/or further information. For a more complete view of the operation of student discipline, this information should be read in conjunction with the Code of Student Life.
The student accountability process
If a student violates policies, rules, or regulations within University of Iowa Housing and Dining facilities, they are generally subject to the procedures followed by Housing and Dining. However, the Director of OSA may choose to transfer the matter to the Office of Student Accountability.
Residents who have questions about the student accountability process can contact a Residential Education staff member for clarification and/or further information. For a more complete view of the operation of student discipline, this information should be read in conjunction with the Code of Student Life.
Investigation procedures
Please visit the Code of Student Life for complete investigation procedures.
The associate director or their designees are authorized to impose one or more of the following sanctions upon students found responsible for misconduct.
Status sanctions
One of these sanctions will always be imposed when a student is found responsible for a policy violation.
Written warning: A strongly written warning stating that if there is a repetition of the same action or any other action in violation of the rules and regulations of residence halls, the student can expect additional disciplinary action. A record of the disciplinary warning is kept on file in the Student Conduct Office database.
Disciplinary reprimand: A written notice to the student explaining that the student’s violation of institutional regulations warrants an official record be kept in the Student Conduct Office database. Any further violation may lead to a Housing Contract Cancellation. This sanction is considered a Step 1 University sanction for purposes of progressive university discipline. A student charged with a subsequent violation inside or outside of the residence halls may face a Step 2 or Step 3 sanction. A student who has received a Disciplinary Reprimand is not ordinarily eligible for employment with Housing and Dining and is not ordinarily eligible to hold office in residence hall organizations.
University probation: A written admonishment for a violation of specified regulations. With respect to the non-academic disciplinary system, a student on disciplinary probation is not considered to be in good standing for a designated period of time. If the student is found to violate any institutional regulation(s) during the probationary period, more severe disciplinary sanctions may be imposed. Once the designated period of time has elapsed, the student will be considered in good standing; however, a record of the sanction will be kept in the Student Conduct Office database.
Housing contract cancellation: A student may be involuntarily separated from the residence halls on a permanent basis or for a stated period of time after which readmission is possible. Students removed from living in a University residence hall shall automatically forfeit residence hall privileges, be assessed a Contract Recovery Charge, and may be excluded from University activities and University facilities. A Housing Contract Cancellation is considered a Step 2 University sanction for purposes of progressive discipline. A student removed from the residence halls involuntarily is not in good standing with the University and is considered on non-academic probation. A student on probation who is charged with a subsequent Code of Student Life violation, in the Residence Halls or outside of the Residence Halls, may face a Step 3 sanction (i.e., suspension or expulsion from the University).
Additional sanctions
These sanctions may be paired with any of the above sanctions:
Disciplinary room transfer: A student may be transferred to a different area of the residence halls.
Restitution: A student may be assessed reasonable expenses related to the misconduct. This assessment may include, but is not limited to, the repair/replacement cost for any damage they cause to residence hall property or medical or counseling expenses incurred by the victim.
Fines: In cases involving violations of the alcohol or drug policies, fines ranging from $200 to $500 will be imposed. Fines are assessed based on the amount of harm to self and others. Hard liquor is assessed fines at a higher level than beer. Funds from fines will be used to support the University's alcohol and drug education and awareness programs and provide social programs for residence halls.
Educational sanction: A student may be required to provide a specific service or participate in a specific program, receive specific instruction, or complete a research assignment. Students are often referred to Health Iowa for substance abuse education or counseling. The student is responsible for related expenses, including expenses for education, counseling, or treatment, if any expense is entailed.
Administrative building prohibition: A student may be prohibited from entering a specific building(s) or area.
Administrative no contact order: A student may be prohibited from contacting a student(s).
Sanctions imposed by the Office of Student Accountability
In the event that the complaint is referred to the Office of Student Accountability for resolution, students found responsible for misconduct prohibited by the Code of Student Life are subject to the following sanction in addition to the sanctions listed above:
Suspension or expulsion: A student may be involuntarily separated from the University permanently or for a stated period of time after which re-admission is possible.
Please visit the Code of Student Life for complete investigation procedures.
Student's rights
Compliance with university officials
Students requested to meet with residence hall staff members regarding a disciplinary complaint are expected to comply with the request in timely and cooperative manner. Furthermore, students who have been disciplined are expected to comply in a timely manner with the sanctions imposed. Non-compliant students are subject to additional disciplinary action, including the possibility of suspension from the residence halls or from University classes.
Review of actions taken by the investigator
Any student who receives sanctions from a University Housing and Dining staff member under the procedures set forth above may appeal by filing a written petition within ten calendar days following the Investigator's decision. The appeal should specify the grounds for the appeal. In the event that a timely appeal is filed, an administrator will review the contents of the student’s disciplinary file.
In cases where University procedures were not followed or substantial rights of the student have been prejudiced, the administrator conducting the review may reverse or modify the sanction(s) imposed. In the alternative, the administrator may sustain the Investigator's decision, impose a more serious sanction, or refer the complaint to the Office of Student Accountability. A meeting with the student is not required.
Students with any questions about the disciplinary process may contact the Associate Director for Residence Education at 319-335-3700.
Please visit the Code of Student Life for complete investigation procedures.
Alcohol and drug violations
The following description summarizes the University Housing and Dining educational outcomes for policy violations involving alcohol and/or drugs in the residence hall. Please note that our discipline process is progressive and may involve a monetary fine in addition to status sanctions and educational sanctions. Our monetary fine ranges from $50 to $350 depending upon the circumstances of the policy violation.
- A resident found responsible for being in the known presence of alcohol, alcohol containers, or drugs will be assigned a status sanction, educational sanction, and may be subject to a $50 fine.
- A resident found responsible for the possession and/or consumption of alcohol or drugs will be assigned a status sanction, educational sanction, a parental notification letter, and a fine that ranges between $150 - $350.
- Fines are not imposed in situations where a resident is cited by police in the residence halls for alcohol and fined through the courts.
- Our discipline process is progressive and ranges from a warning to housing contract cancellation. For more detailed information about our progressive discipline process, please visit the Code of Student Life.