Living on Campus Timeline

How it works

We're excited to welcome you to the University of Iowa! If you have been admitted to Iowa and will be 16 years of age by Aug. 1, 2025, you can apply for housing in the residence halls. You do not need to accept your admission to the University of Iowa in order to apply for housing. You can submit your application as you finalize your decision to become a Hawkeye. 

In order to gain access to our housing application, you must activate your HawkID. Please note, activating your HawkID typically takes 48 hours to fully process.

For 2025–2026, all students living in the residence halls must be registered for at least seven credit hours by Aug. 1, 2025. International students and students that are admitted to the University late are required to be registered for at least seven credit hours by Aug. 26, 2025.

Step 1: Submit your online application

You will want to submit your online application between January 8 and May 1. Submitting your application will allow you to participate in online room selection. You can access the application through your Admissions Profile in MyUI. You will need to verify your personal and emergency contact information, indicate a desire for a disability accommodation, agree to the contract terms and conditions and pay your $100 application fee. 

Students will receive their room selection lottery number based on monthly randomization. Students who apply between the first and last day of a given month will be randomized together to be assigned their room selection number (spot in line.) This will occur each month, with January applicants receiving their room selection numbers first, followed by February applicants, and groups for March, April, and May 1.  

Students must be scheduled for orientation by May 15 in order to participate in online room selection.

Step 2: Explore and personalize with LLC and roommate options

If you have submitted your housing application, you will then be able to explore your housing options. This is where you can apply to join a Living Learning Community and participate in roommate searches or requests. 

LLC students must have roommate groups confirmed by April 30. 

Step 3: Select a room, insurance and meal plan

Online room selection occurs each June and is based on the randomized number assigned after applications are received monthly. Students who apply by May 1 and register for an orientation session by May 15 are eligible for room selection.

Students who apply between May 2 and May 31 will be assigned housing and roommates by UHD staff. These assignments will be issued at the end of June after room selection comes to a close. Beginning June 1, housing will be offered as space allows and students will be added to a housing waitlist. 

Once your room is chosen or assigned, you will have the opportunity to learn about GradGuard, the preferred renter's insurance provider of the University of Iowa. 

Lastly, you will select your meal plan. All residence hall students in rooms without a kitchen must select either the gold or black plan. Residence hall students in rooms with a University-supplied kitchen may select the unlimited, 160 plan, or the weekly 14 meal plan. Students that do not select a meal plan will be assigned the unlimited plan.

Step 4: Connect with the Hawkeye community

In July, you will select your move in date and time. You will be also be able to make online connections with your roommates and Hawkeye community. 

Step 5: Move In and On Iowa!

You will move in during your selected date between August 16–23, 2025. Once on campus, you will check-in and participate in On Iowa!, a program to help you to discover Hawkeye traditions and what it means to live on campus. 

Key dates

January 8

The housing application portal will open for admitted students. Students will receive their room selection lottery number based on monthly randomization.

February 3

Living Learning Community application opens within housing portal.

March 3

Roommate matching opens within housing portal. 

April 30

LLC roommate matching deadline.

May 1

Deadline to apply for: 
Housing, in order to participate in room selection and roommate matching
Disability and medical accommodation requests

Roommate requests are also due during this month as well as, the priority deadline for disability and medical accommodation requests.

May 15

Deadline to be registered for a SOAR (orientation) session. Orientation does not need to be completed by this date, you simply must be scheduled. 


Online room and meal plan selection will occur throughout the month.

Late July

Sign up for move in. 

August 16 - 19

Move into the UI residence halls.

Live at Iowa

Discover your passion. Build your community.

Application instructions

You can login to your Application via MyUI. If you've already started filling out an application, this allows you to return to that contract.

Application Instructions

Personal information

This page allows us to gather some personal information for your housing contract. By giving us your additional contact emails, we can send these individuals important information and updates about living on campus. Anyone can opt out of this communication later, if they wouldn't like to receive these updates. 

On this page, we offer a place for you to give us information about who to contact if you are reported missing. Federal law requires that we obtain this information for all students living on campus.

University Housing and Dining maintains your privacy and adherence to FERPA. Providing an additional contact will only give them general information, it will not grant them permission to access your specific housing and dining information. 

Medical (ADA) accommodations

This page allows you to request a reasonable medical accommodation. If you need to request an accommodation, you are able to download and complete a form. You will also need to check the box that states that you are requesting a reasonable housing accommodation.

Your accommodation is not complete until you receive official confirmation from University Housing and Dining after completing all steps of the process. We will work with you one-on-one to complete the process. 

Terms and conditions

Please take the time to review your housing contract, as it is a legally binding agreement. If you agree to the terms of the contract, you will receive a copy of the terms and conditions of your contract to your email address upon completion of your application.

You will be asked to electronically sign this page by entering you full name and eight digit university ID number. 

This contract becomes binding seven days after you are notified of your room assignment via email. 

Payment or deferral

Your $100 non-refundable housing payment is required with your housing application. This fee is payable via credit card. We are able to accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.

If your admissions fee has been waived by the University, your $100 housing application fee will be deferred and charged to your fall university bill (U-Bill).

Submit your application

This page allows you to officially submit your housing application. Once your application is submitted, you will receive a confirmation email to your University of Iowa email address.

Personal profile and lifestyle questionnaire

This section allows you to tell a bit about yourself for roommate matching. What your write in this section will be displayed to help you potentially match with a future roommate.

Apply for a Living Learning Community

Living learning communities allow you to connect with other students that share your same major. We encourage you to consider a Living Learning Community (LLC) experience in our residence halls.

Students will be able to apply for one community by selecting that specific community and answering a few brief questions. If you are selected for an LLC, you will need to confirm your acceptance within 1 week of the offer letter being sent.

Roommate requests

This is where you can search for or request a roommate to live with. You are able to search for potential roommates based on responses to the lifestyle questionnaire or a common Living Learning Community interest. 

Students that join an LLC must have roommate requests confirmed online by April 30. Non-LLC roommate requests must be mutually confirmed online by May 15. If you apply for housing after May 1, you will be assigned a room and roommate by our staff.

GradGuard renter's insurance

The University of Iowa assumes no responsibility and provides no insurance or financial protection for your personal property. You are fully responsible for your belongings when living on campus and we highly encourage all students to obtain renter’s insurance.

University of Iowa residents are eligible to protect their belongings through GradGuard's exclusive student-endorsed renter's insurance program. For about $13 per month, you will receive protection in the case your property is stolen or damaged. Learn more about GradGuard.

Meal plan

This page allows you to select your meal plan for the upcoming year. Changes to the plan may be made in the first two weeks of the semester. If you do not select a meal plan, you will be assigned the unlimited meal plan by default.

Online room selection

Students will receive their room selection lottery number based on monthly randomization. If you apply on or before May 1, you will have the opportunity to participate in online room selection in June. The date of your room selection time slot is based on the month in which your housing application was received. Students that have applied in a given month are randomized together (January first, February, March, etc.).

Students must be registered for an orientation date by May 15 in order to proceed with online room selection and remain in their roommate group and Living Learning Communities.