How it works

Spring break is free of charge for current residence hall students, but requires registration. All residence hall entrances will be locked at 5 p.m. starting Friday, March 14, through spring break. Please make sure to always bring your key and Iowa One card with you.

Step 1: Submit your online information form

All students must submit their spring break plans in the housing portal. Simply indicate if you plan to leave the residence halls for break, or remain in the halls for spring break. Fill out the form by 12 p.m. on March 12. 

Only students who have residence hall housing contracts are allowed to stay in their building/room over the break. You are not allowed to loan your keys out to other students or guests.

Step 2: Know your meal options

Only select dining locations will be open for service during spring break. You will be able to use your flex meal swipes as payment during spring break. Other forms of payment that will be accepted include Herky booster pack swipes, meal share swipes, Hawk dollars, U-bill and credit cards.

Step 3: Remember hall desk hours

The following residence hall desks will be open during break.

Open 24 hours: Currier Residence Hall

Open 8 a.m.-5 p.m.: Burge, Catlett, Daum, Hillcrest, Mayflower, Petersen, Rienow, Slater

Before you leave for spring break

Before you leave for Spring Break

  • Check your food, throw away anything that will expire while you’re gone for break
  • Take trash out to the dumpster
  • Make sure your window is closed and locked
  • Leave your heat on low
  • Make necessary arrangements for care of plants and fish (UHD Staff will not provide care)
  • Do not put any potting soil or other solid materials down drains
  • Lock your door, take your room key and student ID with you

Additionally – start planning now for end of year move-out. If you need to find a way to store your items over break, consider using Storage Squad:

Key dates

February 28

Spring break sign-up opens at 12 p.m.

March 12 at 12 p.m.

Spring break sign-up closes.

March 14 at 2 p.m.

Market places close for spring break.

March 14 at 5 p.m.

Residence halls close for spring break.

March 23 at 8 a.m.

Residence halls and market places re-open. 

March 24

Classes resume.

May 5 - May 9

Final examination week.

May 17 at 12 p.m. (noon)

Residence halls close and contract occupancy ends.

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